Ankle Fracture Specialist

Center for Foot and Ankle Restoration

Orthopedic Surgery & Orthopedic Foot and Ankle Surgeon located in Dallas, TX, Fort Worth, TX, & Frisco, TX

An ankle fracture can vary from a simple stress fracture all the way up to a complete, complex break. If you had an ankle injury and are experiencing severe pain or difficulty bearing weight on your affected limb, contact surgeons Charles Cook, MD, and John Noack, MD, at the Center for Foot and Ankle Restoration in Dallas, Fort Worth, or Frisco, Texas, right away. After all, early orthopedic intervention is key to ensuring your ankle fracture heals properly. Call the office nearest you directly, even if it’s after hours, to schedule an appointment to be seen as soon as possible.

Ankle Fracture Q & A

What is an ankle fracture?

An ankle fracture can occur in one or more of the bones in your ankle joint: the tibia, fibula, or talus. In most cases, an ankle fracture occurs because of trauma or injury. For example, you may twist or rotate your ankle during a sporting event or while tripping on a flight of stairs. 

Even a direct impact, such as a car accident or someone landing on your foot, can lead to an ankle fracture. These types of injuries are known as traumatic ankle fractures. 

But you can also suffer from an ankle fracture that occurs gradually. If you’re a distance runner, for instance, the repetitive stress on the bones in your foot and ankle can lead to small breaks that worsen over time. These are called stress fractures. 

Anyone of any age can develop an ankle fracture that’s minor or severe. Your risk further increases as you get older, especially if you have weakened bones due to osteoporosis. 

How do I know if my ankle is broken?

The only way to know for sure that you have an ankle fracture is to visit the Center for Foot and Ankle Restoration for an examination. Your orthopedist performs a series of screenings and may manipulate your ankle joint to determine if you have a fracture or another type of injury, such as an ankle sprain.

It’s important to let your doctor know all of the details of your injury, including any of the following symptoms:

  • Swelling or tenderness
  • Limited range of motion 
  • Redness or contusions (bruises)
  • Inability to bear weight on your ankle
  • Severe ankle pain that may spread to your foot or knee

Your orthopedist at the Center for Foot and Ankle Restoration is likely going to order an X-ray or another type of imaging test, such as a CT scan, to determine the severity of your ankle fracture. 

What is the treatment for an ankle fracture?

As with most types of injuries, healing just takes time. The goal of your ankle fracture treatment package from the Center for Foot and Ankle Restoration is to minimize your pain and discomfort, promote proper healing, and restore your full ankle functions.

For minor breaks, your doctor may place you in a splint, cast, or another type of brace to immobilize your joint. But if you have a more serious fracture, you might need surgery. Ankle fracture surgery is important for realigning your bone fragments and implanting specialized devices, like plates and screws, to keep your ankle joint in place as it heals.

Recovery from an ankle fracture takes at least 6-8 weeks. Center for Foot and Ankle Restoration providers usually schedule you for physical therapy and teach you exercises you should perform during your recovery period, so you can build up strength and flexibility over time.

The Center for Foot and Ankle Restoration provides complete ankle fracture care, including restorative surgeries. You can book your ankle fracture exam by calling any office directly.